The title of the article I’m referring to is Study: Diagnosing on Slit Lamp Robot Just as Effective As In-Person written by Bill Kekevian, editor of Ophthalmology Advisor.
Wow! As an eye care consultant and provider, this article both excites and terrifies me…
There’s no question, the eye care industry is evolving rapidly now that companies realize the necessity of social distancing and proper precautions to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) during the pandemic.
Fortunately, upon further investigation of the article, I realized the “Slit Lamp Robot” discussed is actually an effective way for the eye care specialist to examine a patient remotely and…
NOT that a robot is diagnosing the patient (hey, it could happen…!).
But, here’s the bigger issue…
It reminded me how important it is that we, as eye care providers, stay on top of the latest developments in the industry in terms of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and solutions.
📌 It’s also a reminder of the importance that we provide (sub)specialties to help us stand out from the competition and NOT be replaced with automation and robots!
More Eye Openers…
- What innovations have you added to your practice?
- Have you overlooked informing your patients that they exist in your practice?
- What (sub)specialties do you offer and are you marketing them every day?
- Are there offerings you provide that you didn’t realize are actually (sub)specialties or unique to your practice?
- Have you defined your ideal patient to attract more of them to your practice?
>> Click here to read the full article by Bill Kekevian
🔶 If you’d like to learn how to set your practice apart from the competition and become known as THE eye care expert in your community, check out my 1-on-1 Eye Care Consulting offer.
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