The Biggest Pitfall You Need to Avoid When Trying to Attract More Patients to Your Optometry Practice…
is not knowing who your “ideal patients” are, or not knowing that you need to know this!
When we (my ex-partner and I) first transitioned from a corporate location into our own optometry practice, we did what most doctors do − we marketed to anyone and everyone we could in our town.
The marketing message went something like: “Come get your annual eye exam…” and we simply sent postcards to to the local zip codes and to our previous patients.
Have you ever heard the phrase “if you market to everyone, you market to no one?”
It only took about 6 months and one well-paid consultant to make me realize we were “playing in the wrong sandbox.”
I knew it was time to take a hard look at:
- our practice,
- what patients we really wanted to attract, and
- how we needed to differentiate ourselves from a highly competitive demographic.
Getting specific on who we truly wanted to attract to the practice and then figuring out what problems we could solve for this ideal patient, we were able to figure out what ideal patient we wanted to serve − a school-aged child with a learning-related vision problem. There it was! Our specialty was born. Vision Therapy.
Since we were the only practice to offer this customized specialty in about a 200 mile radius, it was easy to market it by getting in front of the right target audiences using the right kind of marketing, referrals, public relations, and (eventually) online marketing.
If it wasn’t for having a consultant point this out to us, we may never have increased our revenue by 30% as we did with this specialty.
After decades of practicing and years of digital marketing experience and results, what I’m offering you here today is a coaching package that services as a roadmap to take your practice to the next level.
By showing you how to increase revenues using a specialty you’ll enjoy providing with patients you enjoy examining, you’ll avoid one of the biggest pitfalls most optometrists don’t even know they fall into until they see their revenues flatline or even decline.
Click the button below for your practice-building offer and let’s get started attracting more patients!
START NOW Attracting More Patients!
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